Welcome to the Mini Section of MU Barnhall RFC
Training Times
Training time is on Saturday morning from 10am to 11.30pm Any change in this will be notified by the team coach.
To contact the Minis Section please phone or email Noeleen Harrison 087- 246 9090 noeleen@mubarnhall.com
Match Times
Home matches are generally at 11.00am on Sunday. Away matches are generally at 11.00am at the away venue. All players are notified by their coach of the arrangement for matches .
Each team is registered by their coach with teamer. This makes it easier to relay information specific to each individual team. Teamer uses a combination of text messaging and email and you will have to register on teamer yourself to receive the team messages.
And finally……. an appeal
All activities in the Mini section are provided by volunteers, this includes coaches and committee. We are always looking help running all the activities and therefore share the burden. There are no special requirements just an interest is helping make the rugby experience more enjoyable for the children.
New Coaches are always wanted and we don’t mind whether its Mum or Dad –we’ll provide the training.
Team Managers – take the weight of team administration away from the coaches. If you can help in this role come and talk to us.
Fundraisers – we are always looking for new and innovative ways of fundraising. If you have any ideas or maybe you have access to sponsorship, please come and talk with us
MU Barnahll is noted countrywide for its hospitality both to its own members and visitors. Tea, Coffee, Hot Chocolate and Soup are available every Saturday morning and Sunday morning when there are home matches. Any help in this area will also be appreciated.
The Ethos of Mini Rugby
The ethos of mini rugby is to foster and develop young players (boys & girls) of all ability in the game of rugby in a safe, non competitive, enjoyable environment through activities which ensure progressive skill development for all participants in line with the IRFU Long Term Player Development (LTPD) pathway, Child Welfare Policy and Traditions of Rugby Union
The Rules & Laws of Mini Rugby
Here is a synopsis of the rules and laws, the full list is available on (Rules and Laws)
Team Ireland Mini Rugby
The IRFU Mini Rugby Committee would like to make all participants aware of the following regulations.
Child Welfare
All volunteers involved with mini rugby (in any capacity) must read the IRFU Child Welfare Policy Document and sign the Declaration of Intent. The signed copy of the Declaration must be handed to the Club Child Welfare Officer for record keeping in the club or school. Clubs are responsible to ensure that all their volunteers involved in age grade rugby adhere to all aspects of the IRFU policy on Child Welfare.
Code of Conduct
All participants in Mini Rugby are to adhere to all aspects of the IRFU Code of Conduct for Players / Coaches /Parents and Spectators
From the start of the 2009 season all competitions and all fixtures events, including matches involving teams from other Unions, must adhere to the IRFU Mini Rugby regulations.
Festivals/ Events and Blitz Days – Branch approved
May only be arranged by application to the respective Branch Mini Rugby Committee. Age limit and stages must be confirmed prior to the start of event and clear indications should accompany all invitations. Club coaches/ managers must be able to give proof of eligibility (Festival/ Event or Blitz day registration form) before his/her team’s first match in the event.
Before the start of the event a referees/ coaches briefing must take place to clarify all arrangements e.g. stages, format of play and safety. Should there be any concerns over safety (e.g. ability to scrum) matches will then be played at the next lower stage.
Eligibility – Mini Rugby is a participation sport.
Date of eligibility for participants is the 1st January
Players playing in a higher age category
Written permission must be obtained from the Players Parents/Guardians prior to players playing in a higher age category
It is the responsibility of clubs to ensure all their players are properly registered with the Club, Branch and IRFU. To this end all players must officially be registered at the start of each season in MU Barnhall, this includes life members.
Maximum playing time
Consideration must be given to clubs/teams with small numbers and or no reserves to prevent/avoid exhaustion and or the risk of injuries.