Mo chairde,

It is a great honour and privilege to be named as the captain for an extremely talented a successful women’s senior team in the club for the upcoming season.

In my four years of being with this outstanding club, I have been very fortunate to have had the opportunity to learn from previous captains, and especially our very talented Niamh Quinn, who will be by my side for the coming season.

This club has so much pride and belief in the senior women’s team, it is the driving force for us as players to do our best for the club.

For this coming season, we are hoping to build on our success from last year and the previous years, to make this club and our families proud. We would also like to encourage the young girls in this club to continue playing and enjoying their rugby.

I know with the support of everyone in the club, we will fulfil our goals for this season, so that we can continue to build and move forward together.

Really looking forward to seeing you all this year. Here’s to a great season.

Tús maith leath na hoibre

Ciara Faulkner